Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Prom, Ally, and Other Coool Shit.

First off, we've got my prom tux picked out, and the deposit and all such...I pick it up the day before prom. It's gonna be a classic black jackety-thing (blazer???) without buttons (doesn't close) with a pink vest and tie (unfortunately not paisley styled vest and tie but oh well), they had to match Yelena's pink dress. Can't wait!

Ally (the Gay-Straight Alliance club) will be started back year. But the teacher in charge is counting on me to help lead it apparently, and there's a few things I have to go to for such purposes.

As you can tell my computer is STILL broken, but might be fixed soon.

Apparently Katie (girlfriend of Briana, both are lesbians I happen to know) wants to kick Reg's ass, BIG TIME.....Ivan's been pissing her off too but it would seem he already has a broken leg (sucks for him!) and I don't see him fighting.

And so I never have to deal with computer problems again, I'll be spending the large sum I get from the JEVS program this summer on gettin me one of those sexy macbooks. Yay for laptops with fun apps, a shitload of memory, and virtually no way of fucking up like that shitty pc desktop I have.

As always my readers (yes! I can finally say readerS), thanks for your time and possibly snide comments.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The bet is almost up/Broken Computer

Ok,Victoria and Niccolette had a bet, $5, that me and Yelena would break up before the month was up....May 1st is on friday, so you can guess how things'll turn out haha.

I would blog more often but my computer is broken and won't be fixed for god know's how long.

That and the few times i'm online i can't remember anything worthy of putting in the blog (though when not online I have a ton of stuff sadly).

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Yes, she convinced to get my hair cut...emo style, straight up front messy/spike-ish in back...(my one reader: think like david's hair...yeah, almost like that..but more me)

We had an AMAZING day. Though apparently her ex might've saw us (long story/creepy/funny)

I went to a wedding on sunday, for my mother's stepmom and her fiance (don't ask about the odd relation..just don't). Guess who I saw there? My alebra 2 teacher's wtf...the worst part was I was joking around the day before saying "watch mr. dyson is gonna be there" noooo....better, his parents. And Reg and Ivan prank called me during it...I think, they weren't speaking in intelligible words so I dunno what they were saying.

But back to Yelena, my dulceata. It's is now official that me and her are going out (took a bit didn't it lol), and I gotta say she is M-A-...zing. (to one reader, hopefully you'll get this, might not, has been a and yelena have: you know that science class, the one after biology, yeah that, me and her have that lol).

Annnnnnnnnyway, my internet connection is acting up so I may/may not be online much if at all for a bit, this week has the makings of becominng much better, so long farewell.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

I was forced to post again!!!

First, Yelena said I should post, and my one reader wanted one of reg's prank calls.

His calls are usually impossible to understand, but here are some memorable lines:
"Go break into rita's and steal ice cream for your crack addiction" is that from a movie???
"No one lo, no one, leaves you voice, no one no one loves you and leaves you voicemail ever!" he was drunk
and such things...they're stupid but funny if you ever heard them.

It rained out of nowhere today! Hailed and rained HORRIBLY!! It was great, some neighbors were bbq-ing when it started, sucks for them!

Anyway, spring break soon, and I can't wait to spend it with Yelena, my dulceata, my alice. She somehow convinced me to...drumroll.....get a haircut!!! And dye it, emo styled and all. To those who know me this is like a sign of the apocalypse. But mainly i get to spend time with her, something that our schedule's have been preventing. Here's hoping me and her don't act like fools around each other like normally.

And for the last time, quit asking if i'm going to junior prom or not. I'M NOT! I made it clear i don't want to, get that throught your heads. But next year's prom I most certainly will go to.

I also discovered this odd facebook group called, and i'm not kidding "Without Bruce Almighty, I wouldn't be able to spell beautiful correctly". Seriously, I know what they mean "B-E-A-utiful".

Anyway thanks for reading, "And that's the way the cookie crumbles".

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Persons & Prank Calls.

First things first, for Whoever reads this (translation: nobody!) sorry about no reason, just didn't feel like it.

This asshole Reg has been gettin into the habit of prank calling my phone and leaving [supposedly] painfuly cruel messages. He's an asshole of an ex-friend who tries to ruin my life at every turn, but now has dropped his formerly fearsome tactics (taking friends,trying to get gfs to break up with me) to pathetic prank calls (these things are so sad it's funny). I've so far saved every one for a cheap laugh, except the one where he mentioned my sister Did piss me off a little (still saved though). Even when I think about that one and it annoys me I remember this: who made who bleed again? Oh yeah, I punched Him and made Him bleed. That and life is too good to be bothered but that pathetic piece of trash.

Yelena is what's been bringing in most of my joy, she's simply amazing!. But i don't really need to describe her, for I do so enough as is. The onl problem is how she's afraid of gossip/other's opinions about us so keeps it a secret (trying to convince otherwise, in time I will time at least). As well, when around me, I have such an odd effect on her she can't think straight and is more often than not blushing...leading to amusing scenerios and conversations with her friends.

That's all for now faithful Bye.

Monday, February 23, 2009


A cat is a cat, except when it's a bat, a rat,a sat,a fat, a spat, a spot, a rot,a cot, a bed, a head, a red,a blue a shoe, a clue!!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Someone New

I always love meeting someone new...a fresh face, an interesting start. I look around in crowds seeing if anyone looks like they would be interesting to know. I somehow always know which people would have the oddest personalities, even if they look normal. But starting to talk to an interesting person always ends up as odd-to-akward, i'm used to peolple starting to talk to me and start up a friendship not the other way around though. Anyway, I just started talking to this girl Yelena who has my A2 teacher for her Pre-Cal class (which i always visit in the effort to annoy the teacher), she's the perfect example of what i'm talkin about here. When I was visiting the class she stood out for some reason, despite not physically standing out (it's hard to explain). Despite her blendin in (yet standing out, still hard to explain) I knew she'd be interesting. So I start talking to her, see my other point, and I still think I made a very odd first impression (though i'm very odd i think i made a negatively odd first impression rather than my positively odd personality). I look forward to talking to her more and finding out just how strange she is. I might even see if she's worth asking out, though it'll take a bit before i'm sure of anything involving that. It just hit me, one of the things that stood out about her was her eyes...they looked like the eyes of my friend Ashley (the one who goes to FLC, not the shitload of other Ashleys i know), who was another person I thought would be interesting to talk to and was COMPLETEY right about.